Dealing with a bully a PATH to effective self defence
When you consider self defence and martial arts, the first thought normally leads to developing physical skills to deal with potential attacks. Indeed the reasons many people take up a martial art is to improve confidence in dealing with difficult situations whether that relate to bullying; walking home from work on a dark night; or feeling intimidated by people around you. The bad news is that it will often take 4 years for an individual to reach a black belt level in a martial art, and the first dan or degree will often be described as the belt wearer progressing from a novice to a "beginner" in their chosen discipline. The slightly better news is that there are some basic physical skills which can be learnt fairly quickly which will stand you in good stead for a wide variety of situations. The great news is that the best way to build yourself defence skills is to understand how to deal with difficult situations without relying on physical skills. Granted, all marti...